Rally Day 4: Austrian Countryside
Today's travels were from Saalfelden to Pichlarn. We wanted to scale the mountain that "the boys" were going on (through a different...

Rally Day 3: From Lindau to Saalfelden
Today we managed to drive from Germany through Switzerland and Lichtenstein to reach Austria. We passed through one of the longest...

Rally Day 2: Gerardmer to Lindau
Highlights: As we were leaving France, we stopped at a McDonalds to see if the French version was better. Our verdict: YES. Things to...

Rally Day 1: Driving from Fontainebleau to Gerardmere
Today we had a wonderful start at the Chateau de Bourbon in Fontainebleau (font-anne-bluh). Though Kevin had a bit of a rough morning--...

Pre-Race Day 2: Prepping the Car (and the crew)
At breakfast this morning, Kevin received all the decals and the plates that we needed to make the car ready for the race. After some...

Paris To Vienna Rally: Pre Race, Day 1-- Disneyland Paris and Ury
It's a short hop from downtown Paris to Disneyland. All you need to do is buy a ticket on the RER-A train-- which you can buy at any...

American in Paris (Take 3)
The third time's a charm, right? Although, I think I've yet to get tired of going to visit Paris. It is its own unique blend of charm and...
Rally 2016: A Brief Intro
Yes, I'm heading from Paris to Vienna. And yes, I flew from LA to Boston on a red eye and Boston to London on another red eye within 48...

Bon Voyage: Fast European Tour
I haven't had time yet to sit down and write about my journey so far, but I am taking lots of pictures and mental notes! Please visit...

A Foggy Day, In London Town
Sticking with my recurring pattern of visiting some sort of museum/aquarium in almost every major city I've visited, I headed over to the...